Dear God, You must have received Tyler's letters, right? Though I am not Christian, I know You did.
Tyler, the boy whose whole life is a letter to God, writes constantly to God. He has ever said to his brother,"Writing a letter to God just like texting to your friend." He put the letters in the mailbox waiting for postman to pick them up. The Old Postman said, "It's like finding a kitten on your back porch. You can't just walk away." It exactly describes the feeling when look at those childish handwritten letters. My favorite episode is when Dedushka talks to Tyler and Sam. Just like he says, Tyler has been handpicked by God as a warrior. The film doesn't focus on how Tyler struggles with the tumour, it just tells us the daily life of a boy, suffering from some indisposition now and then, who loves to write to letters to God to tell Him everything happened in his life, every th…
写给上帝的信:二刷剧情片 Dear God