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时尚搭配 2022年01月28日 04:05 219 admin

Chinese netizens are having fun trashing some very expensive and "ugly" pig year fashions designed by big-name luxury brands such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton.


Many comments on Sina Weibo show Chinese people are aghast at how the foreign fashion leaders have so poorly represented the coming Year of the Pig with comically designed fashion accessories that carry outrageous prices.

各大品牌的猪年 *** 面市后,微博上哀嚎一片,是喊丑又喊贵。

Via Gucci官网

Gucci is offering on its website an oversized brooch of a pig with wings for $820 in the US, or 6,600 yuan ($978) in China. It contains no diamonds or gold, but is made in Italy of resin.


看着这款钥匙链,小编竟然不由自主地哼出了“see me fly~I'm proud to fly up high~~”


"I'll buy it when pigs can fly," wrote a net user who was not alone in criticizing the brooch.


Via 微博

Gucci's knitted red wool toque featuring more than a dozen pigs dancing on two feet, which cost around 2300 yuan, also got the thumbs down, as did the brand's sweatshirt with the same motif that is selling for 14,200 yuan.

古驰的红色羊毛针织帽,上面印着20只左右的销魂猪扭着 *** ,售价2300元,和高达14,200元的卫衣,一起被diss丑得不相上下。

Via Gucci官网

"What's wrong with these designers? So ugly and so costly," wrote "Kaetsu-jo" whose sentiments represented the views of many other Chinese commentators.


Louis Vuitton's puffy, pink pig key holder selling for 5950 yuan was shown little mercy by online critics. "Oh my God, the color is so corny. I couldn't control myself from squealing like a pig," said a netizen mocking the key holder that features the company's signature LV that's made of gold.


Via Louis Vuitton官网

Other foreign fashion curators including Moschino, Vetements, Mac Co *** etics, Nike, Vans have come up with clothes, lip stick, watches and shoes that are designed to capitalize on the Year of the Pig.


Via Louis Vuitton官网

The fashion column in the online platform Toutiao News described the products as expensive spiritual trash on Friday.


时尚搭配英文版:Xu Keyue



图:品牌官网、微博、 ***


标签: 时尚搭配英文版


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